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Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Another Weird Dream

Last night I had another weird dream.

In this one, I had lost my purse and cell phone and was frantically searching for them, retracing my steps but to no avail.  

It was present day in this dream, which is why the next part of it was so weird. After I had gone round and round looking for my purse and phone I finally decided I should call someone.  I remember that it was evening, dark out, and I was around some sort of water (a river or channel, maybe?) that I needed to cross to get home. With no cell phone, and no money, I was hoping to call a friend or family member to bail me out, pick me up and generally help me out of this situation. When I finally found a landline to use, the phone itself was very confusing to use and kind of rickety.  I ended up calling someone I didn't know, which added to the confusion — and my frustration. And then I woke up.

Being the curious person that I am, of course I felt like the dream must be more than a dream. More than the byproduct of finishing off the last of that Ghirardelli dark chocolate caramel sea salt bar I said I wasn't going to eat and popping a Nyquil for my head cold.

No, instead I consulted an online dream dictionary, carefully plugging in all my dream elements to piece together the true meaning of my dream:

To dream that you lose something may also be a signal for you to clean out and reorganize your life. Perhaps you are overwhelmed and distracted with the hustle and bustle of day-to-day life. Alternatively, losing something often coincides with a significant life change or waking issue. 

On a symbolic note losing things in your dream suggests lost opportunities, past relationships or forgotten aspects of yourself


To dream that you lost your purse denotes loss of power and control. You may have lost touch with your real identity. 


Losing your wallet indicates that you are losing touch with your true identity. You are experiencing some anxiety over changes and uncertainties happening in your life.  

Cell Phone

To dream that you lost your cell phone represents a lack of communication. You have lost touch with some aspect of your feelings or your Self.

To see or hear a telephone in your dream signifies a message from your subconscious or some sort of telepathic communication. You may be forced to confront issues that you have been avoiding. 
To dream that you dial the wrong number means that you are experiencing difficulties in relating to others. You have trouble expressing yourself and over-think things.

To see a dial in your dream indicates that you need to be more in tune to your thoughts and to your intuition.

To dream that it is evening denotes the end of a cycle, aging or death. It may also be symbolic of unrealized hopes.


If you are crossing a river in your dream, then it represents an obstacle or issue that you need to deal with in order to move closer toward your goal. It is also reflective of a new stage in your life

See any patterns here? Yeah, me too.  

Which makes perfect sense. I've definitely had a sense that change is just around the corner, and feel like I've lost myself and am really trying to figure our what's next. I'm seeking something that I have yet to realize.  And with the excitement comes the anxiety and frustration of not knowing exactly what that is (yet), and not having it happen fast enough.  Obviously,  my subconscious is trying to tell me something. To listen to my intuition and get back in touch with what matters to me and what makes me happy.

I've begun to see evidence in my waking life as well, noting things that catch my eye and really resonate.  Makes me feel like some messages were meant for me to hear right now.  The latest (and a new favorite of mine) is a phrase I saw on Pinterest that made its way on to my chalkboard:

I'm a believer.

Happy Dreams, everyone! :-)



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