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Friday, December 5, 2014

The Gift of Time

I just had a someone cancel a meeting we had scheduled for today. And while I should be bummed, I'm actually delighted.

It's not that I didn't want to meet with him; on the contrary, this is someone I truly enjoy spending time with and looking forward to seeing.  And although I need this meeting this month I have great confidence that we'll simply get together next week.  
But his cancellation has given me something extremely valuable at the moment: the gift of time, at precisely the moment I needed it.

Allow me to explain.

If you've read any of my previous posts, you'll know that I've spent the last several years writing about my adventures in free agent land.  I was lucky enough to land a 3-year contract that provided me with the freedom and autonomy I so craved, while providing a consistent source of income. And the gig forced me out of my comfort zone, challenging me to stretch myself.

Awesome, right? Yeah, until it wasn't.

It's not that I'm unhappy. I'm just, well...bored. It might sound terrible but once I felt I mastered the role, I started to lose interest.  Played little games, challenging (see, there's that word again) myself to attain higher goals this month than the one prior.  And those worked to a point.  But because I know that I'm motivated by new challenges, and derive great satisfaction from getting tangible results and making things better, it was just a matter of time before it was time to move on.

And that time is now.

Which is why I have a renewed interest in exploring the possibilities. I'm starting to notice trends, signs and patterns that intrigue me.  Some are new, some have always been there. But now they seems to be intersecting and colliding in unique ways. They're out there, calling to me like a siren, coaxing me out of my comfort zone, pushing me to put myself out there. Again.

And so I've started to do that.  Which takes time. Which was unexpectedly given to me today.

So thank you, ML, for giving me time to do what I really need to do.

(P.S. — And for those of you interested, you can watch my redevelopment and transformation process by checking out my new (and still-being-worked-on-as-of-this-posting) page at and/or my LinkedIn profile. I'd love to hear your thoughts and suggestions.)

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