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Wednesday, September 14, 2011

My Doppelgänger

This morning for the first time since my, ahem, transition I actually allowed myself to sit in a coffee shop to enjoy my nonfat latte and write. As I was doing so, my Peet's barista approached.

"Amy," she said. "I have something to tell you."

Of course this immediately piqued my interest (and scared me a bit, truth be told). Had I violated some unspoken coffee house protocol? Had I forgotten to pay? Was there foam on my nose?

Thankfully, it was none of the above.

"There's a woman that comes in nearly every day -- at least on every day you come in -- and she looks exactly like you but with slightly shorter hair. She's here about a half hour to an hour before you and I've been calling her 'Amy' but she keeps telling me her name is 'Colleen.'"

Ah, the elusive doppelgänger. We've all heard tales (okay, urban myths) about how each of us supposedly has a twin out there, in a parallel universe. And if you should ever run across this other half your mind would be blown and dimensions would be shattered, sending the universe and all that we know into a tailspin (or maybe I'm just embellishing here).

Anyway, the gist of it is that meeting your doppelgänger would undoubtedly change the course of history, and certainly the trajectory of your life.

Which got me to thinking: maybe this is the universe telling me that my path is about to change (yippee!), and that meeting up with Colleen would be a really good thing.

Making a mental note to try and grab that latte earlier.  Oh, and to get a haircut.  Just to make it, you know, interesting.

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